Friday, September 28, 2007

The Coral Bay Massive

Koh Pha Ngan's view spoiled by the presence of North London oik.

Never mind anti-biotics, love. What you need is intra-venous Singha Beer.

Here're the rules. If you eat a cricket (top left) you may have a doughnut.

Dan and Monica work hard and play hard.
Um, but we're not sure which this is.

Zoah. The Isreali Army's finest.

Tom and Holly. Kiwis on a mission - to try lots of beer.


Mikel. Swedish hippy: too laid back for words.

Bjorn. This man works in a laboratory. In Germany, thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Elias and Jules set the world to rights. Phew.

On our way to play on another beautiful beach.

Can you
imagine their offspring?

Yo ho, etc.

Half Moon Party

On our way to one of the weekly "--- Moon" parties.
It seems that each phase of the moon is accomapnied by glow sticks, over-priced booze and lots of chancers, skanking about and drinking from water bottles. You know the score.

'Nuff said.

Playing in Paradise

Welcome to Coral Bay.
This is the view from our bungalow.
We nearly never left.

A common sight in these parts.

Holding on for dear life.

Glamour girl Jules strikes a pose.

Caught with my bare hands. Honest.

Same shark, half an hour later. With chips.

Yes, we have played a little backgammon this holiday.
Julia is up by a couple of dozen points.
Dames is sulking.

Jules demonstrates her unique way to Five a Day.

Anyone for a game of Cheesehead?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Travelling to the Islands.

Bye, bye, Malaysia. Hello, Gulf of Siam!

Waiter, someone has pinched my pipe!

Arrival in Koh Tao. Note the sturdy pier.

Ready to get in some serious UV.

Penang. Weird, but we loved it.

Dames is a friend to the butterflies.

Julia is a friend to the lizards.

And we were worried about the cockroaches in our bathroom.

Julia selects a Romulan ale.

Starfleet pride.

Damian Vs Predator.
Damian is the one in beige.

Julia demonstrates.


Not the sort of sights we were expecting to see.

Oh, look: they're at it again.